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Celebrity Estate Plans Series Part 2 of 4: Vanilla Ice Has Thoughts

This week, we’re continuing to look at the lives of 4 celebrities and how they’re...

Celebrity Estate Plans Series Part 1 of 4: Michael Jackson

What is it about celebrities that always draws us in? For whatever reason, we just...

10 Steps to Take Now to Secure a Comfortable Retirement: Part 1

Retirement is more than just an end to the working years; it's an exciting new...

The Dark Side of the Internet: Protect Yourself From Online Scams and Digital Attacks

In the digital age, online scams and cyber attacks are becoming more frequent, posing risks...

What Happens To Your Social Media Account When You Die?

When you die, what happens to your online life? Each social media platform has its...

Why Estate Planning Is the Best Use of Your Tax Refund

When that extra bit of money from your tax refund lands in your bank account,...

Parents, Step-Parents and Children, Oh My! Blended Families + Death = A Potential Nightmare

Anyone who’s seen an episode of “Modern Family” knows that families these days come in...
A group of girls blowing out candles on a cake.

Think Your Kids Will Automatically Be Cared For In the Way You Want? They Might Not Be Unless You Do This

As parents, we're hardwired to prioritize our children's well-being above all else. We work tirelessly...
A person making a heart with their hands

Want to Show Your Partner How Much You Love Them? Put Them In Your Will

Love is undoubtedly the most profound and cherished thread that weaves us all together, and...
A compass with the word insurance on it.

Protecting Your Family’s Safety Net: How to Set Up Your Life Insurance Policy the Right Way

A comprehensive Life & Legacy Plan is about creating a strategy that lets you enjoy...